Procrastination is the thief of time..

One day I’m going to write a book.

On a few occasions I’ve declared boldIy. The challenge is that I have absolutely no idea where or how to start. A friend suggested I write about my life but the trouble is my life story has many dark patches (enough to garner empathetic readers I suppose) and besides I’ve never achieved headlining fame or notoriety to grab readers attention (not always necessary requirements for a good biography I know, but makes marketing easier if truth be told).

Sometimes it takes a soul crushing crisis to jolt you into coming into your own.

I was reminded by life that you can be so busy with making sure that everyone else is taken care of that you fail to notice that no one is taking care of you.

I was reminded that your heart, head and spirit can know when your life isn’t right but the daily grind can overshadow the reality.

Sometimes it takes a soul crushing crisis to jolt you into coming into your own.

The thing about crises is that in as much as they knock you down, they are an opportunity to rise from the ashes, renewed and refreshed.

I was reminded by life that you may have grown in leaps and bounds in a direction far removed from what is expected of you and leave people not knowing how to handle you.

I was reminded that though my life story has no fame or glory, it has and will continue to impact those in my circle in ways that I never imagined because my story inspires and speaks of hope and grace.

I was reminded that I have power. The power to imagine the best version of myself and go after her fearlessly and fiercely. Even if it means leaving some people behind.

One day I’m going to write a book…

Here’s to a life lived 🥂
